
It is located in La Compañía district, La Concepción valley, Tarija Bolivia. The wine vocation of the valley was developed from 1690 by the religious order of the Society of Jesus.We are heirs of this winemaking tradition that, centuries ago, gave its name to the region and to our main estate
"La Compañía".
La Concepción Wineries and Vineyards INC. was established in 1986 with the support of the businessmen of Tarija and La Paz based on the estates of some shareholders.
1986, the Singani Rujero was launched with great success.
1994, it begins the first export of singanis to Europe and Canada.
2014, it begins the first export of Singanis to USA.
2016, the IKM Bolivian group assumes the control of the company. A broading stage of the vineyards, of the company's product portfolio and new markets of exportations begins with it.
2018, the new look of Singani Rujerois launched for the domestic market.